/* * Interactive METEOSAT * Copyright(c) 2010-2011, Advanced Studies & Research Center * Author: Vasile Crăciunescu * vasile.craciunescu@asrc.ro * */ var mapPanel; var map; var westPanel; var infoContainer; var ir108; var ir016; var vis08; var vis06; var rgb; var wv062; var observatii; function initializare() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); //vars var navigationHistoryControl = new OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory(); var loadingpanel = new OpenLayers.Control.LoadingPanel(); var controlZoomBox = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox({CLASS_NAME:'zoomIn'}); var navigation = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(); Proj4js.defs["SR-ORG:81"] = "+proj=geos +lon_0=0 +h=35785831 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"; var options = { projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("SR-ORG:81"), displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection("SR-ORG:81"), units: "m", //maxResolution: 81331.63057952023519, //minResolution: 1270.80672780500367, //resolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940], //serverResolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], //numZoomLevels: 3, maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-5434177.816, -5416211.289, 5433761.320, 5416145.259), controls: [ new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(), new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults(), new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(), controlZoomBox, navigation, navigationHistoryControl ] }; map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options); map.addControl(loadingpanel); var zoom = 4; var lat = 50.5; var lon = 8; //layers definition var naturalearth = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS( "Terrain", "data/base/naturalearth/", { type: 'png', iconCls: "dem_icon", //zoomOffset: 3, resolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], serverResolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], getURL: overlay_getTileURL } ); var bluemarble = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS( "Satellite", "data/base/bluemarble/", { type: 'png', iconCls: "satellite_icon", //zoomOffset: 3, resolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], serverResolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], getURL: overlay_getTileURL } ); var blank = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'None', 'images/blank_background.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-5434177.816, -5416211.289, 5433761.320, 5416145.259), new OpenLayers.Size(800, 800), { isBaseLayer: true, resolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], iconCls: "blank_icon" } ); var contur = new OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache( "Borders & Cities", "data/base/", "contur", { iconCls: "overlay_icon", resolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], serverResolutions: [1270.80672780500367, 2541.61345561000735, 5083.22691122001470, 10166.45382244002940, 20332.90764488005880, 40665.81528976011759, 81331.63057952023519], isBaseLayer: false } ); ir016 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'NIR 1.6 (2024-05-04 09:00)', 'data/meteosat/geos/ir016_geos.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-2252883, 3098669, 4523450, 5442887), new OpenLayers.Size(2259, 781), { resolutions: [2541.6134556100073, 5083.226911220015, 10166.45382244003, 1270.8067278050037], isBaseLayer: false, qtip: "Near Infrared Spectral Channel 1.6 μm, band 3", iconCls: "grayscale_icon", attribution: 'EUMETSAT' } ); vis08 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'VIS 0.8 (2024-05-04 09:00)', 'data/meteosat/geos/vis08_geos.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-2252883, 3098669, 4523450, 5442887), new OpenLayers.Size(2259, 781), { resolutions: [2541.6134556100073, 5083.226911220015, 10166.45382244003, 1270.8067278050037], isBaseLayer: false, qtip: "Visible Channel 0.8 μm, band 2", iconCls: "grayscale_icon", attribution: 'EUMETSAT' } ); rgb = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'RGB (2024-05-04 09:00)', 'data/meteosat/geos/rgb_geos.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-2252883, 3098669, 4523450, 5442887), new OpenLayers.Size(2259, 781), { resolutions: [2541.6134556100073, 5083.226911220015, 10166.45382244003, 1270.8067278050037], isBaseLayer: false, qtip: "Natural Color RGB: Red = NIR 1.6, Green = VIS 0.8, Blue = VIS 0.6", iconCls: "rgb_icon", attribution: 'EUMETSAT' } ); ir108 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'IR 10.8 (2024-05-04 09:00)', 'data/meteosat/geos/ir108_geos.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-2252883, 3098669, 4523450, 5442887), new OpenLayers.Size(2259, 781), { resolutions: [2541.6134556100073, 5083.226911220015, 10166.45382244003, 1270.8067278050037], isBaseLayer: false, qtip: "Infrared Spectral Channel 10.8 μm", iconCls: "grayscale_icon", attribution: 'EUMETSAT' } ); vis06 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'VIS 0.6 (2024-05-04 09:00)', 'data/meteosat/geos/vis06_geos.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-2252883, 3098669, 4523450, 5442887), new OpenLayers.Size(2259, 781), { resolutions: [2541.6134556100073, 5083.226911220015, 10166.45382244003, 1270.8067278050037], isBaseLayer: false, qtip: "Visible Channel 0.6 μm, band 1", iconCls: "grayscale_icon", attribution: 'EUMETSAT' } ); wv062 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( 'WV 6.2 (2024-05-04 09:00)', 'data/meteosat/geos/wv062_geos.jpg', new OpenLayers.Bounds(-2252883, 3098669, 4523450, 5442887), new OpenLayers.Size(1095, 379), { resolutions: [2541.6134556100073, 5083.226911220015, 10166.45382244003, 1270.8067278050037], isBaseLayer: false, qtip: "Water Vapour Channel 6.2 μm", iconCls: "grayscale_icon", attribution: 'EUMETSAT' } ); ir108.setOpacity(0.75); vis06.setOpacity(0.75); wv062.setOpacity(0.75); rgb.setOpacity(0.75); ir016.setOpacity(0.75); vis08.setOpacity(0.75); var logo_asrc = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('ASRC', { 'attribution': '' }); map.addLayers([logo_asrc, contur, rgb, ir108, wv062, ir016, vis08, vis06, naturalearth, bluemarble, blank]); var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913")); map.setCenter (lonLat, zoom); vis06.setVisibility(false); wv062.setVisibility(false); ir108.setVisibility(false); ir016.setVisibility(false); vis08.setVisibility(false); blank.setVisibility(false); bluemarble.setVisibility(false); naturalearth.setVisibility(true); var today = new Date(); addGlobeMin(''); addGlobeMax(''); addGlobeMean(''); addObsYahoo(''); addObs(''); //addCapitals(); // Tools panel var tools = new Ext.Toolbar({ items: [new GeoExt.Action({ control: new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn(), map: map, iconCls: 'tool_zoom_in', tooltip: 'Zoom in' }), new GeoExt.Action({ control: new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomOut(), map: map, iconCls: 'tool_zoom_out', tooltip: 'Zoom out' }), new GeoExt.Action({ cls: "execute", handler: function() { //map.zoomToExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-2138195.1124842, 2860659.3211315, 3646517.1124842, 6139340.6788685)); var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(754161, 4500000); map.setCenter (lonLat, 4); }, map: map, iconCls: 'tool_zoom_all', tooltip: 'Zoom out to maximum extent' }), new GeoExt.Action({ control: new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox(), map: map, iconCls: 'tool_zoom_box', tooltip: 'Zoom box', enableToggle: true, toggleGroup: "zoom_pan_toggle", allowDepress: true, toggleHandler: function (a, b) { if (b) { controlZoomBox.activate(); navigation.deactivate() } else { controlZoomBox.deactivate(); navigation.activate() } } }), new GeoExt.Action({ iconCls: 'tool_zoom_previous', tooltip: 'Previous zoom', control: navigationHistoryControl.previous }), new GeoExt.Action({ iconCls: 'tool_zoom_next', tooltip: 'Next zoom', control: navigationHistoryControl.next }), new GeoExt.Action({ control: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([imObs, imObsYahoo, globeMinObs, globeMaxObs, globeMeanObs], {onSelect: onFeatureSelect, onUnselect: onFeatureUnselect}), map: map, iconCls: 'tool_pan', tooltip: 'Pan map', enableToggle: true, toggleGroup: "zoom_pan_toggle", pressed: true, allowDepress: false }), '-', { iconCls: 'tool_map_view', tooltip: 'Switch to Map View', text: 'Switch to Map View', cls: "execute", handler: function() { window.location = 'map_view.php?lang=en'; } }, { xtype: 'tbfill' }, { xtype: 'datefield', name: 'archiveDate', id: 'archiveDate', minValue:'2010-07-14', format: 'Y-m-d', maxValue: today, emptyText: 'pick a date', listeners: { select: function(frm){ dataSelectata = frm.getValue(); data = dataSelectata.format('Y-m-d'); data2 = dataSelectata.format('d/m/y'); dataCurenta = new Date(); var zi = dataCurenta.getDate(); if (zi < 10) zi = '0' + zi; var luna = dataCurenta.getMonth(); luna++; if (luna < 10) luna = '0' + luna; var an = dataCurenta.getFullYear(); dataCurenta = an + "-" + luna + "-" + zi; var obsDate = dataSelectata.format('Y-m-d'); if (dataCurenta != data) { ir108.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/' + data + '/ir108_geos.jpg'); vis06.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/' + data + '/vis06_geos.jpg'); wv062.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/' + data + '/wv062_geos.jpg'); rgb.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/' + data + '/rgb_geos.jpg'); ir016.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/' + data + '/ir016_geos.jpg'); vis08.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/' + data + '/vis08_geos.jpg'); ir108.setName('IR 10.8 ('+ data + ' 09:00)'); vis06.setName('VIS 0.6 ('+ data + ' 09:00)'); wv062.setName('WV 6.2 ('+ data + ' 09:00)'); rgb.setName('RGB ('+ data + ' 09:00)'); ir016.setName('NIR 1.6 ('+ data + ' 09:00)'); vis08.setName('VIS 0.8 ('+ data + ' 09:00)'); globeMinObs.setUrl("get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=min&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate); globeMinObs.setName("GLOBE minimum temperature (" + obsDate + ")"); globeMaxObs.setUrl("get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=max&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate); globeMaxObs.setName("GLOBE maximum temperature (" + obsDate + ")"); globeMeanObs.setUrl("get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=mean&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate); globeMeanObs.setName("GLOBE mean temperature (" + obsDate + ")"); } else { ir108.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/ir108_geos.jpg'); vis06.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/vis06_geos.jpg'); wv062.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/wv062_geos.jpg'); rgb.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/rgb_geos.jpg'); ir016.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/ir016_geos.jpg'); vis08.setUrl('data/meteosat/geos/vis08_geos.jpg'); ir108.setName('NIR 10.8 (2024-05-04 09:00)'); vis06.setName('VIS 0.6 (2024-05-04 09:00)'); wv062.setName('WV 6.2 (2024-05-04 09:00)'); rgb.setName('RGB (2024-05-04 09:00)'); ir016.setName('NIR 1.6 (2024-05-04 09:00)'); vis08.setName('VIS 0.8 (2024-05-04 09:00)'); globeMinObs.setUrl("get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=min&coordType=wgs84&date=" + obsDate); globeMinObs.setName("GLOBE minimum temperature (yesterday)"); globeMaxObs.setUrl("get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=max&coordType=wgs84&date=" + obsDate); globeMaxObs.setName("GLOBE maximum temperature (yesterday)"); globeMeanObs.setUrl("get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=mean&coordType=wgs84&date=" + obsDate); globeMeanObs.setName("GLOBE mean temperature (yesterday)"); } imObs.setUrl("get-geojson.php?lang=en&layerType=im&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate) imObs.setName("Meteorological observations (" + obsDate + ")"); imObsYahoo.setUrl("get-geojson.php?lang=en&layerType=yahoo&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate) imObsYahoo.setName("Yahoo! Weather (" + obsDate + " 09:00 AM)"); loadObservations(obsDate); infoPanelText = '

Click on the symbols (map or table bellow) to get more detailed information about meteorological observations.

'; infoPanelText += ''; i = 0; observatii.on('load',function(msg) { observatii.each(function(msg){ if(i % 2 == 0) backgroundColor = '#eff3fa'; else backgroundColor = '#f1f5ec'; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; i++; }); infoPanelText += '
School: ' + msg.get("schoolname") + '
Date: ' + msg.get("date") + '
Time: ' + msg.get("time") + '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoContainer.body.update(infoPanelText); }) }} }] }); Ext.override(Ext.DatePicker, { todayText : 'Today', okText : 'Ok', cancelText : 'Cancel', todayTip : '{0} (Spacebar)', minText : 'This date is before the minimum date', maxText : 'This date is after the maximum date', nextText : 'Next Month (Control+Right)', prevText : 'Previous Month (Control+Left)', monthYearText : 'Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)', monthNames : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], dayNames: ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'] }); //slider var slider = new GeoExt.LayerOpacitySlider({ width: 165, decimalPrecision: 1, increment: 10, value: 50, disabled: true, layer: null, plugins: new GeoExt.LayerOpacitySliderTip({template: '
Transparency: {opacity}%
'}), listeners: { change: function (a, b) { this.layer.setOpacity(b / 100) } } }); //slider adjustment var sliderAdjust = function (b) { if (!b.hasListener("radiochange")) { b.on("radiochange", function (a) { slider.layer = a.layer; slider.setValue(a.layer.opacity * 100); slider.enable() }) } }; //mapPanel mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({ border: true, tbar: tools, region: "center", map: map, zoom: 4, center: [754161, 4500000] //extent: [-2137442.3517629, 2860659.3211315, 3647269.8732054, 6139340.6788685] }); var LayerNodeUI = Ext.extend( GeoExt.tree.LayerNodeUI, new GeoExt.tree.TreeNodeUIEventMixin() ); var layerList = new GeoExt.tree.LayerContainer({ text: 'Eumetsat', layerStore: mapPanel.layers, leaf: false, expanded: true, loader: { filter: function(record) { return record.get("layer").name.indexOf("Eumetsat") !== -1 } } }); var treeConfig = [{ nodeType: "gx_overlaylayercontainer", text: "Observations", isLeaf: false, loader: { baseAttrs: { }, filter: function(record) { var layer = record.get("layer"); this.baseAttrs.iconCls = layer.iconCls; return (layer.name == "Meteorological observations (today)" || layer.name == "Yahoo! Weather (today 09:00 AM)" || layer.name == "5 capitals" || layer.name == "GLOBE minimum temperature (yesterday)" || layer.name == "GLOBE maximum temperature (yesterday)" || layer.name == "GLOBE mean temperature (yesterday)") } }, expanded: true },{ nodeType: "gx_overlaylayercontainer", text: "METEOSAT", isLeaf: false, loader: { baseAttrs: { radioGroup: "foo", uiProvider: "use_radio" }, filter: function(record) { var layer = record.get("layer"); this.baseAttrs.qtip = layer.qtip; this.baseAttrs.iconCls = layer.iconCls; return (layer.name.indexOf("VIS 0.6") !== -1 || layer.name.indexOf("WV") !== -1 || layer.name.indexOf("IR 10.8") !== -1 || layer.name.indexOf("RGB") !== -1 || layer.name.indexOf("NIR 1.6") !== -1 || layer.name.indexOf("VIS 0.8") !== -1) } }, expanded: true },{ nodeType: "gx_overlaylayercontainer", text: "Overlays", isLeaf: false, loader: { baseAttrs: { }, filter: function(record) { var layer = record.get("layer"); this.baseAttrs.qtip = layer.qtip; this.baseAttrs.iconCls = layer.iconCls; return (layer.name == "Borders & Cities") } }, expanded: true },{ nodeType: "gx_baselayercontainer", text: "Base maps", loader: { baseAttrs: { }, filter: function(record) { var layer = record.get("layer"); this.baseAttrs.iconCls = layer.iconCls; return (layer.name == "Terrain" || layer.name == "Satellite" || layer.name == "None") } }, expanded: true }]; //tree panel var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ plugins: [new GeoExt.plugins.TreeNodeRadioButton({ listeners: { "radiochange": function(node) { slider.layer = node.layer; slider.setValue(node.layer.opacity * 100); slider.enable() } } })], width: 298, loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({ applyLoader: false, uiProviders: { "use_radio": LayerNodeUI } }), root: { nodeType: "async", children: treeConfig }, rootVisible: false, lines: false }); //layer container var layersContainer = new Ext.Panel({ autoScroll: true, border: false, title: "Layers", items: [tree] }); //legend container var legendContainer = new Ext.Panel({ autoScroll: true, contentEl: "legend", border: false, title: "Legend" }); //help container var helpContainer = new Ext.Panel({ autoScroll: true, contentEl: "help", border: false, title: "Help" }); //info container infoContainer = new Ext.Panel({ autoScroll: true, contentEl: "info", border: false, title: "Info" }); //credits container creditsContainer = new Ext.Panel({ autoScroll: true, contentEl: "credits", border: false, title: "Credits" }); //left panel westPanel = new Ext.TabPanel({ border: true, width: 300, region: 'west', activeTab: 0, collapsible: true, items: [layersContainer, legendContainer, infoContainer, helpContainer, creditsContainer], bbar: new Ext.Toolbar({ id: 'opacityToolbar', height: 26, style: 'padding-left: 15px;', items: ['Layer transparency: ', slider] }) }); //viewport new Ext.Viewport({ layout: "fit", hideBorders: true, items: { layout: "border", deferredRender: false, items: [mapPanel, westPanel,{ region: 'north', contentEl: 'header', margins: '0 0 5 0' }] }, listeners : { afterlayout: function(){ Ext.get('loader').hide(); Ext.get('loading-mask').hide(); } } }); naturalearth.events.on({ moveend: function(e) { if (e.zoomChanged) { if (map.getZoom() < 3) map.zoomIn(); } } }); bluemarble.events.on({ moveend: function(e) { if (e.zoomChanged) { if (map.getZoom() < 3) map.zoomIn(); } } }); blank.events.on({ moveend: function(e) { if (e.zoomChanged) { if (map.getZoom() < 3) map.zoomIn(); } } }); loadObservations (''); activeTab = westPanel.getActiveTab(); westPanel.activate(2); westPanel.activate(activeTab.id); infoPanelText = '

Click on the symbols (map or table bellow) to get more detailed information about meteorological observations.

'; infoPanelText += ''; i = 0; observatii.on('load',function(msg) { msg.each(function(msg){ if(i % 2 == 0) backgroundColor = '#eff3fa'; else backgroundColor = '#f1f5ec'; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; i++; }); infoPanelText += '
School: ' + msg.get("schoolname") + '
Date: ' + msg.get("date") + '
Time: ' + msg.get("time") + '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoContainer.body.update(infoPanelText); }) }; function addObs(obsDate) { //Style var style = new OpenLayers.Style( { graphicWidth: "${symbolWidth}", graphicHeight: "${symbolHeight}", graphicXOffset: "${symbolOffsetX}", graphicYOffset: "${symbolOffsetY}", externalGraphic: "${imgName}" } ); imObs = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("Meteorological observations (today)", "get-geojson.php?lang=en&layerType=im&coordType=geos&date=", { format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON, projection: "SR-ORG:81", iconCls: "im_icon", styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style) } ); map.addLayer(imObs); imObs.setOpacity(1); return true; } function addGlobeMin(obsDate) { //Style var style = new OpenLayers.Style( { graphicWidth: 19, graphicHeight: 45, graphicYOffset: -23, externalGraphic: "${iconMin}" } ); globeMinObs = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("GLOBE minimum temperature (yesterday)", "get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=min&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate, { format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), iconCls: "globemin_icon", styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style) } ); map.addLayer(globeMinObs); globeMinObs.setOpacity(1); globeMinObs.setVisibility(false); return true; } function addGlobeMean(obsDate) { //Style var style = new OpenLayers.Style( { graphicWidth: 19, graphicHeight: 45, graphicYOffset: -23, externalGraphic: "${iconMean}" } ); globeMeanObs = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("GLOBE mean temperature (yesterday)", "get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=mean&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate, { format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), iconCls: "globemean_icon", styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style) } ); map.addLayer(globeMeanObs); globeMeanObs.setOpacity(1); globeMeanObs.setVisibility(false); return true; } function addGlobeMax(obsDate) { //Style var style = new OpenLayers.Style( { graphicWidth: 19, graphicHeight: 45, graphicYOffset: -23, externalGraphic: "${iconMax}" } ); globeMaxObs = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("GLOBE maximum temperature (yesterday)", "get-globe-geojson.php?tempType=max&coordType=geos&date=" + obsDate, { format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), iconCls: "globemax_icon", styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style) } ); map.addLayer(globeMaxObs); globeMaxObs.setOpacity(1); globeMaxObs.setVisibility(false); return true; } function addCapitals() { //Style var style = new OpenLayers.Style( { graphicWidth: 21, graphicHeight: 25, //graphicXOffset: "${symbolOffsetX}", graphicYOffset: -21, externalGraphic: "images/marker1.png" } ); imCapitals = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("5 capitals", "get_5capitals_geojson.php", { format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON, projection: "SR-ORG:81", iconCls: "yahoo_icon", styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style) } ); map.addLayer(imCapitals); return true; } function addObsYahoo(obsDate) { //Style var style = new OpenLayers.Style( { graphicWidth: "${symbolWidth}", graphicHeight: "${symbolHeight}", graphicXOffset: "${symbolOffsetX}", graphicYOffset: "${symbolOffsetY}", externalGraphic: "${imgName}" } ); imObsYahoo = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("Yahoo! Weather (today 09:00 AM)", "get-geojson.php?lang=en&layerType=yahoo&coordType=geos&date=", { format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("SR-ORG:81"), iconCls: "yahoo_icon", styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style) } ); map.addLayer(imObsYahoo); imObsYahoo.setVisibility(false); return true; } function overlay_getTileURL(bounds) { var res = this.map.getResolution(); var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w)); var y = Math.round((bounds.bottom - this.maxExtent.bottom) / (res * this.tileSize.h)); var z = this.map.getZoom(); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { return this.url + z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + this.type; } else { return "images/none.png"; } } // select/unselect functions function onFeatureSelect(feature) { selectedFeature = feature; westPanel.activate(2); if (feature.attributes.lat < 0) latType = "South"; else latType = "North"; if (feature.attributes.lon < 0) lonType = "West"; else lonType = "East"; LatDeg = Math.floor(feature.attributes.lat); LatMin = Math.floor((feature.attributes.lat-LatDeg)*60); LatSec = (Math.round((((feature.attributes.lat - LatDeg) - (LatMin/60)) * 60 * 60) * 100) / 100 ); latDMS = LatDeg + 'º ' + LatMin + '\' ' + LatSec + '"'; LonDeg = Math.floor(feature.attributes.lon); LonMin = Math.floor((feature.attributes.lon-LonDeg)*60); LonSec = (Math.round((((feature.attributes.lon - LonDeg) - (LonMin/60)) * 60 * 60) * 100) / 100 ); lonDMS = LonDeg + 'º ' + LonMin + '\' ' + LonSec + '"'; if (feature.attributes.layerType == 'globe') { var infoPanelText = '
'; infoPanelText += '
GLOBE temperature observation details

'; if (feature.attributes.tempType == 'min') infoPanelText += '
'; if (feature.attributes.tempType == 'max') infoPanelText += '
'; if (feature.attributes.tempType == 'mean') infoPanelText += '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoPanelText += 'School: ' + feature.attributes.schoolName + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Site: ' + feature.attributes.siteName + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Latitude: ' + latDMS + ' ' + latType + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Longitude: ' + lonDMS + ' ' + lonType + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Date: ' + feature.attributes.date + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Minimum temperature: ' + feature.attributes.minTemp + 'º Celsius
'; infoPanelText += 'Maximum temperature: ' + feature.attributes.maxTemp + 'º Celsius
'; infoPanelText += 'Mean temperature: ' + feature.attributes.meanTemp + 'º Celsius
'; infoPanelText += '
'; } else { var infoPanelText = '
'; infoPanelText += '
Weather observation details

'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; if (feature.attributes.layerType == 'im') { infoPanelText += 'Location: ' + feature.attributes.location + '
'; infoPanelText += 'User Country: ' + feature.attributes.country + '
'; infoPanelText += 'User City: ' + feature.attributes.city + '
'; infoPanelText += 'School: ' + feature.attributes.schoolname + '
'; } if (feature.attributes.layerType == 'yahoo') { infoPanelText += 'Country: ' + feature.attributes.country + '
'; infoPanelText += 'City: ' + feature.attributes.city + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Source: Yahoo! Weather
'; } infoPanelText += 'Latitude: ' + latDMS + ' ' + latType + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Longitude: ' + lonDMS + ' ' + lonType + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Elevation: ' + feature.attributes.elevation + ' m
'; infoPanelText += 'Date: ' + feature.attributes.date + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Time: ' + feature.attributes.time + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Current conditions: ' + feature.attributes.cc_name_en + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Wind direction: ' + feature.attributes.windDirection + 'º
'; if (feature.attributes.windSpeedUnits == 1) { windSpeedKnots = feature.attributes.windSpeed; windSpeedKnots = roundNumber(windSpeedKnots, 1); windSpeedM = feature.attributes.windSpeed * 0.514444444; windSpeedM = roundNumber(windSpeedM, 1); } else { windSpeedKnots = feature.attributes.windSpeed * 1.94384449; windSpeedKnots = roundNumber(windSpeedKnots, 1); windSpeedM = feature.attributes.windSpeed; windSpeedM = roundNumber(windSpeedM, 1); } infoPanelText += 'Wind speed: ' + windSpeedKnots + ' Knots / ' + windSpeedM +' m/s
'; infoPanelText += 'Cloud cover: ' + feature.attributes.ce_name_en + ' (' + feature.attributes.cloudcName +')
'; infoPanelText += 'Temperature: ' + feature.attributes.temperature + 'º Celsius
'; infoPanelText += 'Additional observations: ' + feature.attributes.additionalObservations + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Photo:
'; if (feature.attributes.photo == 0) infoPanelText += '
No photo available

'; else infoPanelText += '
Click to see full size photo

'; infoPanelText += ''; i = 0; observatii.each(function(msg){ if(i % 2 == 0) backgroundColor = '#eff3fa'; else backgroundColor = '#f1f5ec'; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; i++; }); infoPanelText += '
School: ' + msg.get("schoolname") + '
Date: ' + msg.get("date") + '
Time: ' + msg.get("time") + '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; } infoContainer.body.update(infoPanelText); } function onFeatureUnselect(feature) { infoPanelText = '

Click on the symbols (map or table bellow) to get more detailed information about meteorological observations.

'; infoPanelText += ''; i = 0; observatii.each(function(msg){ if(i % 2 == 0) backgroundColor = '#eff3fa'; else backgroundColor = '#f1f5ec'; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; i++; }); infoPanelText += '
School: ' + msg.get("schoolname") + '
Date: ' + msg.get("date") + '
Time: ' + msg.get("time") + '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoContainer.body.update(infoPanelText); } function loadObservations(date){ observatii = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: 'get-json.php?lang=en&date=' + date, root: 'features', successProperty: 'success', id: 'obsId', fields: [{name: 'windDirection'}, {name: 'cc_name_en'}, {name: 'lat'}, {name: 'lon'}, {name: 'windSpeed'}, {name: 'elevation'}, {name: 'ce_name_en'}, {name: 'cloudcName'}, {name: 'additionalObservations'}, {name: 'temperature'}, {name: 'schoolname'}, {name: 'imgName'}, {name: 'city'}, {name: 'windSpeedUnits'}, {name: 'country'}, {name: 'location'}, {name: 'date'}, {name: 'time'}, {name: 'photo'}, {name: 'obsId'}] }); observatii.load(); } function displayObservationDetails(id){ var selectedObservation = observatii.getById(id); var infoPanelText = '
'; infoPanelText += '
Weather observation details

'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoPanelText += 'Location: ' + selectedObservation.get("location") + '
'; infoPanelText += 'User Country: ' + selectedObservation.get("country") + '
'; infoPanelText += 'User City: ' + selectedObservation.get("city") + '
'; infoPanelText += 'School: ' + selectedObservation.get("schoolname") + '
'; if (selectedObservation.get("lat") < 0) latType = "South"; else latType = "North"; if (selectedObservation.get("lon") < 0) lonType = "West"; else lonType = "East"; LatDeg = Math.floor(selectedObservation.get("lat")); LatMin = Math.floor((selectedObservation.get("lat")-LatDeg)*60); LatSec = (Math.round((((selectedObservation.get("lat") - LatDeg) - (LatMin/60)) * 60 * 60) * 100) / 100 ); latDMS = LatDeg + 'º ' + LatMin + '\' ' + LatSec + '"'; LonDeg = Math.floor(selectedObservation.get("lon")); LonMin = Math.floor((selectedObservation.get("lon")-LonDeg)*60); LonSec = (Math.round((((selectedObservation.get("lon") - LonDeg) - (LonMin/60)) * 60 * 60) * 100) / 100 ); lonDMS = LonDeg + 'º ' + LonMin + '\' ' + LonSec + '"'; infoPanelText += 'Latitude: ' + latDMS + ' ' + latType + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Longitude: ' + lonDMS + ' ' + lonType + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Elevation: ' + selectedObservation.get("elevation") + ' m
'; infoPanelText += 'Date: ' + selectedObservation.get("date") + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Time: ' + selectedObservation.get("time") + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Current conditions: ' + selectedObservation.get("cc_name_en") + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Wind direction: ' + selectedObservation.get("windDirection") + 'º
'; if (selectedObservation.get("windSpeedUnits") == 1) { windSpeedKnots = selectedObservation.get("windSpeed"); windSpeedKnots = roundNumber(windSpeedKnots, 1); windSpeedM = selectedObservation.get("windSpeed") * 0.514444444; windSpeedM = roundNumber(windSpeedM, 1); } else { windSpeedKnots = selectedObservation.get("windSpeed") * 1.94384449; windSpeedKnots = roundNumber(windSpeedKnots, 1); windSpeedM = selectedObservation.get("windSpeed"); windSpeedM = roundNumber(windSpeedM, 1); } infoPanelText += 'Wind speed: ' + windSpeedKnots + ' Knots / ' + windSpeedM +' m/s
'; infoPanelText += 'Cloud cover: ' + selectedObservation.get("ce_name_en") + ' (' + selectedObservation.get("cloudcName") +')
'; infoPanelText += 'Temperature: ' + selectedObservation.get("temperature") + 'º Celsius
'; infoPanelText += 'Additional observations: ' + selectedObservation.get("additionalObservations") + '
'; infoPanelText += 'Photo:
'; if (selectedObservation.get("photo") == 0) infoPanelText += '
No photo available

'; else infoPanelText += '
Click to see full size photo

'; infoPanelText += ''; i = 0; observatii.each(function(msg){ if(i % 2 == 0) backgroundColor = '#eff3fa'; else backgroundColor = '#f1f5ec'; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; infoPanelText += ''; i++; }); infoPanelText += '
School: ' + msg.get("schoolname") + '
Date: ' + msg.get("date") + '
Time: ' + msg.get("time") + '
'; infoPanelText += '
'; infoContainer.body.update(infoPanelText); activeTab = westPanel.getActiveTab(); activeTab.body.dom.scrollTop = 0; } function roundNumber(num, dec) { var result = Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec); return result; } function dump(arr,level) { var dumped_text = ""; if(!level) level = 0; //The padding given at the beginning of the line. var level_padding = ""; for(var j=0;j \"" + value + "\"\n"; } } } else { //Stings/Chars/Numbers etc. dumped_text = "===>"+arr+"<===("+typeof(arr)+")"; } return dumped_text; }